
We are very proud to showcase the achievements of our team. Each DXRacer gaming chair represents a pinnacle of craftsmanship and embodies the relentless pursuit of perfection demonstrated by the entire DXRacer team.

"But a chair can't just look nice - it also has to do its job. After working and playing on DXRacer's Craft chair for a few weeks, I'm happy to say that it's a comfortable seat that's a significant improvement represents."
"Overall, the DXRacer Master Series is a well-designed chair. Every single component of the chair is well constructed and leaves me with little worry that this chair will withstand any abuse a wayward superhero might inflict on me."
"What's interesting, however, is that the neck cushion and backrest can be removed and replaced. I've never seen this on any other chair, even those that cost over €1000 - a huge improvement!"
"Aside from its stylish exterior, the DXRacer Craft Custom Gaming Chair Special Edition is a well-built and sturdy chair."
"It's simply one of the most comfortable chairs I've ever sat in. It's an extremely comfortable and luxurious gaming chair that can be easily customized with modular parts."
"The Craft Series fits like a glove thanks to the high-density foam wrapped in a soft polyurethane leather."